Councillors uphold decision to use former Worthing hotel as temporary homeless accommodation

Released: Thursday, 27 July 2023

The grounds for reaching a joint decision by Adur & Worthing Members to use a former hotel in Worthing as temporary accommodation for homeless people were considered at a meeting of the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JOSC) on Tuesday (25th July 2023).

The Councils accepted a 'call-in' request for the matter to be considered in June this year.

The decision under review was for an agreement for up to 10 years with Sussex-based SDR Group that would allow 44 local homeless single people to be housed at the Windsor House Hotel in East Worthing, if planning permission was granted.

After considering whether to refer the matter back to the decision makers for reconsideration or to the Full Councils, members of the committee voted to take no further action.

Adur & Worthing Councils have a statutory duty under the Homeless Reduction Act to find somewhere for homeless residents to stay.

The Councils are currently supporting more than 250 single people in temporary accommodation, but a lack of such property in the area means many of those residents are having to be put up in B&Bs, sometimes as much as £90-£190 per person per night. The Councils are currently also having to accommodate 62% of people from Worthing that require accommodation out of the area, with the figure rising to 91% for Adur residents.

The Councils estimate that the arrangement with SDR Group, which is still subject to planning permission, could reduce their bill for temporary accommodation over the next 10 years by £2.5m.

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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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